My thoughts on hardware

My hardware reflections, particularly related to science, data analysis and gaming.

September 1, 2023

Welcome to the Hardware Insights section of my website. I hope to create a dedicated space here to review hardware for science, data analysis and gaming.

New hardware


I believe that the foundation of any robust analysis lies in the quality and capability of the hardware employed. I focus on devices that are important to data acquisiton, storage, and analysis (including visualization), as well, as well as gaming performance (on a tangent).

My aim is to dissect and analyze the latest in hardware technology, with an eye on how it serves demands of the scientific community - particularly data scientists (and some gamers).

I hope this section will be more than just my reflections but that it’ll rather turn into a community for discussion and discovery.

I will focus on laptops, motherboards, the speed of the latest SSDs as well as top-tier GPUs. I’ll explore how these components come together to form systems that can handle the most complex of datasets, run the most demanding simulations, and bring to life the most vivid gaming worlds.


For scientists, good harware helps to process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. I’ll review workstations that can churn through terabytes of data, and servers that stand as unwavering sentinels in the pursuit of computational research.

Similarly, data analysts require not just power but also precision, reliability, and perhaps most importantly, the ability to scale. I’ll look at hardware that can grow with large datasets, from expandable storage solutions to scalable cloud infrastructures that ensure you’re never left wanting for computational heft.


And for the gamers, we know that it’s not just about the hardware, but also about the experience. I’ll test rigs that not only offer high frame rates and resolutions but also keep noise to a minimum. I’ll also spend some time on the gaming peripherals, as well as overclocking and custom cooling solutions